Bill Liam East

"Versatility is survival."

2H₂O ⇌ H₃O⁺ + OH⁻

Contact Email

Site History and Authors

This site is safe for work and family, except for this specific page for only a handful of reasons mostly shown under music. This site serves as a simple educational and resource website, so on all other pages, there are no flashing images, swearing, nudity, blasphemy, or death; pretty much none of my favorite things in real life on them. Athenaeum went online Feb. 1, 2023 and was built from the ground up, so it is still a work in progress.

I started this site as an alternative style of blogging. I'm not very good at blogging, hate spilling my guts on the internet, hate talking about myself, and usually just erase personal posts soon after they're written. In deciding to try a different approach, I share information here in fusion with some old projects that were never really seen. So far every page on here is on a subject that is or was important to me.

I started learning how to stylize a webpage when I made a profile on a MySpace clone. That took me far enough in figuring out html, as in copying and modifying profile styles. The style of this site matches what was the style of my profile on that site. The stage background with the border, text, & hyperlink colors match the Butters profile pic, which was also slightly altered for bolder colors.

On some pages you will see credit given to Revan Rose. She sometimes serves as my editor here. Both our names are aliases and she chooses to remain anonymous. Revan is another online user who, like me, has scholarly interests, and we have had many discussions on various subjects. In the future, some of her projects will be posted here.

General Interests

Time Wasters





Agora Road
Vinyl Vulpes
Stupid Gamer 201
Friday Girl
Castors Walk
Feeling Machine
Sakura Dreams
Arkm's World
Brain Imp
Bardic Lore
Tovera Chronicles
Synapse Break
Drop n' Spin Dash
Creeping Net
Trash Marine
Jaggie Scrapper
Daniel's Blog
Offline Magazine
Esoteric Stupidity
Velvet Blue
KiBL's Poetry
Jerry Lehr
Jett Secret
Catherine Zickgraf
Five Corners
Glass Heart (RIP)
Volk's Valhalla (RIP)


I don't know who made this, but I sure as hell want to find out.

Future Information Sharing "Blog" Desires
Particle physics, cosmology & quantum field theory - facts, implications & dumbass beliefs

Warp research and space exploration - facts, implications & dumbass beliefs

Quantum computing; Yes, this is a real thing now.

Artificial general intelligence (It is already here.)

Cybernetics and matrix learning; we want to be borg, only without the mind enslavement

Engineering/industrial systems, potential & current trends

Sustainable & green energy

Developmental psychology and how most parents are fucking up their kids

Animal welfare & adoption (Revan's idea). I'll probably put some overall resources in Hodgepodge.



High school diploma

Technical diploma as full-charge bookkeeper

Two years college in engineering

Four year member of the American Physical Society


Html, Java, TI Series, & Python programming

Fluent in English, mostly fluent in Spanish, & some Swedish

Computer literacy, MS Word & Excel, & various open source softwares

Differential geometry, & a general understanding of physics

Bookkeeping, accounts payable, AR invoicing, & multi-jurisdictional sales tax reports

General building maintenance & repair including plumbing & electrical fixtures

Manufacturing, assembly, warehouse, with various machine & equipment operation

Management & training of other employees

Inventory control & loss prevention

Customer relations & conflict resolution

Some auto mechanic maintenance & repair




Born in George Orwell's 1984. Do the math. I don't believe in pseudo-science, but am an INTJ & a Libra for anyone who cares.

Half Italian, half Portuguese fourth generation US male citizen.

Average height & build with dark hair & beady dark brown eyes. I have been told I am terrifying and my eyes go black with yellow specks when enraged.

I wear a lot of black because black is a comfortable color for me to wear, and besides, it is fashionable. Not goth, but I do love goth culture.

I believe respect is automatic until lost, so I am respectful to everyone until they have proven to me they don't deserve it.


Substance monism: space, time, mass, energy, and consciousness are all the same thing (cosmos) with different permissible properties.

Everyone is divinely born with rights, which are truly neither granted nor taken away by others.

Everyone has the right to be, do, and experience as they wish, barring harassment and harm to others.

Everyone has equal rights and must have equal opportunities regardless of who or what they are.

Given the oppression and hypocrisy of the US Republican Party, you either hate them or you don't get it.

It is important for one's spirit to be both a scholar and a warrior.

It is our duty as individuals to know ourselves, question everything, and contribute socioeconomically.

Updated April 2024
Bill Liam East
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